The Top Reasons For Working Remotely

18 September 2020

According to the OWLLabs survey findings they are:

  • better work-life balance (91%),
  • increased productivity/better focus (79%),
  • less stress (78%), and avoiding a commute (78%).

(this makes sense, because 30% of respondents who don’t work remotely but want to in the future have a commute of 30 minutes or more each way.) These results represent a shift toward greater interest in work-life balanc compared to the same report from the previous year, where increased productivity/better focus and less stress topped the list.

The Top Reasons for Working Remotely

Better work-life balance 91%
Increased productivity / better focus 79%
Avoiding commuting 78%
Less stress 78%
Saving money / financial reasons 76%
Less office drama 73%
Mobile work 59%

The Top Reasons for Working Remotely

Needing to work on-site with clients 49%
Childcare responsibilities 48%
Being hired to work remotely 47%
Accommodating disability 44%
Moving away from their work location 43%
Company doesn't have an office 41%
Eldercare responsibilities 38%