Take a career test and find out what job would fit your personality most

05 February 2010

BBC offers a short and fun test to find out what career choice suits your personality. You can take it at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/surveys/careers/

The test itself is based on one of the best known theory of career choices – Holland Codes. To make a long story short, American psychologist John L. Holland came up with an idea that there are 6 types of personality and work environment types which are as follows:

Realistic (Do’er) – practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented
Investigative (Thinker) – analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative
Artistic (Creator) – creative, original, independent, chaotic
Social (Helper)- cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing
Enterprising (Persuader) – competitive environments, leadership, persuading
Conventional (Organizer) – detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

The key point is that Holland’s theory does not assume that each person is one type (let`s say – Do`er). Instead it is considered that each individual is a combination of all 6 types with few of them dominating. Because of this the theory allows to distinct 720 different personality patterns. When applied in interest inventories and job classifications, it is usually only the two or three most dominant codes that are used for vocational guidance.

So, how about you? Do you think you are a Thinker or Helper ? ???? To read more about this theory please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holland_Codes

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